Thursday, May 9, 2013


There is a love that demands physical pleasure and satisfaction. This love is an external one, focusing and entering on feelings, wants, desires, and looks. This form of love leaves one disappointed, unsatisfied, hurt, and angry. It turns you into an asset, your friends into tools; instruments for you to use and throw away, just as you are to them.   
This love is one of the darkest forms of witchcraft, as the man and woman lie, not with one another, but with whatever they desire the other to be: a cunning image, a mental idol. And such sorcery cannot last. It leaves both parties broken and ashamed. This love is seeking only what it can get, and like a deadly succubus, drains life and energy from all around it. It shall die alone, for it must die alone, forsaken by all around it, nae, driving all away from itself. Such is not love. It is a grain of sand in the sea, driven and tossed by the wind and waves of fleeting emotions. It is desperate for something, ANYTHING, solid and stable, eternal and lasting.
And that is the one thing it fears most.

A love like that MUST keep everyone at arms-length, for when such a perversion of love is reciprocated by true and genuine caring, it will be exposed to the world for what it truly is: an abomination. It is Sin, it is Death, it is HELL.

Yet there is another kind of Love. A Love that sacrifices. But this Love does not case aside others for its own aim and purpose. It sacrifices itself to bring LIFE to others' mere existence. This Love understands that life is not about what we receive, but what we give to others. It is ongoing and eternal: it cannot be bought, it cannot be quenched, it cannot be killed.
It is gloriously wonderful and extraordinarily hard. It is often unrequited and more often merely spurned. But it Loves on. It holds no record of the past or expectation for the future. It needs no reward or even hope.
 It is because that kind of Love looks at the dark and the dying, the festering and the fettered, the rank and the rejected, the sinful and the scorner and sees only what they might have been, and what they could be… and Loves without reservation.
THAT Love cannot be counterfeited. It cannot be substituted. It cannot be acted, and it cannot be manufactured. It is, in point of fact, impossible for mere humans to conjure. We can only act as relays of that Love, as conduits from IT to others.

For God so LOVED the world…